[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/bbcode.php on line 483: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions_content.php on line 678: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 4822: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3904)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 4824: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3904)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 4825: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3904)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 4826: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3904)
Een mysterieus schroefje... : Van alles en nog wat....


De W123 vraagbaak met techniek en hulp op het forum van en voor W123 liefhebbers

Het is nu 23 feb 2025, 14:36

Een mysterieus schroefje...

Dit is de plek waar over van alles en nog wat gepraat kan worden.

Een mysterieus schroefje...

Berichtdoor 280 '76 » 05 jan 2015, 22:22

Ik stond vanavond voor het stoplicht terwijl er ineens vanonder het dashboard een schroefje op mijn voet viel.
En ik heb geen idee waar het vandaan komt en waar het voor dient.


Dus..... wie herkent dit schroefje, weet waar het vandaan komt en waar het voor dient?

Het betreft een W123 280TE

image.jpg (201.64 KiB)

image.jpg (196.41 KiB)

image.jpg (201.61 KiB)
Avatar gebruiker
280 '76
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Berichten: 389
Geregistreerd: 15 jan 2014, 13:30
Type wagen: 280E
Bouwjaar: 1968
Automaat: Ja
Opmerkingen / andere wagens:

Re: Een mysterieus schroefje...

Berichtdoor JesperTichelaar » 05 jan 2015, 22:42

Komt uit je instrumentenkast. Met die schroefjes zitten je tellers in de bak vast geschroefd.
Pas met het weer vastdraaien op dat je ze niet te vast zet, anders mol je het plastic waar het in schroeft.
Lit de lju mar rabje
Avatar gebruiker
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Berichten: 295
Geregistreerd: 12 sep 2012, 17:50
Woonplaats: Grou yn Fryslân
Type wagen: Pagode W113
Bouwjaar: 1975
Automaat: Nee
LPG: Nee
Opmerkingen / andere wagens:

Re: Een mysterieus schroefje...

Berichtdoor 280 '76 » 05 jan 2015, 22:47


Ik geloof je meteen want het gebeurde (nu ik eraan denk) ongeveer een half uurtje nadat ik de dagteller op 0 had gezet.

Avatar gebruiker
280 '76
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Berichten: 389
Geregistreerd: 15 jan 2014, 13:30
Type wagen: 280E
Bouwjaar: 1968
Automaat: Ja
Opmerkingen / andere wagens:

Re: Een mysterieus schroefje...

Berichtdoor Zozo » 06 jan 2015, 12:15

Grote kans dat die al eens eerder kapot gedraaid is en er niet veel draad meer van draad aanwezig is in het kunststof. Hij val er niet voor niets spontaan uit. Dan kun je het best het boutje even insmeren met wat van die zacht blijvende raamrubber kit. En als het echt zo dol is dat het helemaal niet meer pakt, van die pattex 100% colle, die blijft ook zacht zoals kit maar hecht wel erg goed en kan altijd weer los. Uithardende plak als secondelijm is funest... :)
Avatar gebruiker
Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Berichten: 517
Geregistreerd: 16 jan 2011, 19:35
Type wagen: 280CE
Bouwjaar: 1982
Automaat: Ja
LPG: Nee

Re: Een mysterieus schroefje...

Berichtdoor Hans230CE » 06 jan 2015, 16:50

Secondenlijm nooit gebruiken!!!!! Tast je "glas" aan

Openingspost van

A car takes you from A to B, A Benz takes you everywhere and beyond.

Gtn van ant zeetje, Hans
Avatar gebruiker
Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Berichten: 8656
Geregistreerd: 23 jul 2006, 19:04
Woonplaats: Oostende (B)
Type wagen: N.n.b.
Bouwjaar: N.n.b.
Automaat: Ja
LPG: Nee
Opmerkingen / andere wagens:

Re: Een mysterieus schroefje...

Berichtdoor 280 '76 » 06 jan 2015, 19:23

Dank voor alle tips :handgestures-thumbup:

Het moet nu wel goed komen :grin:
Avatar gebruiker
280 '76
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Berichten: 389
Geregistreerd: 15 jan 2014, 13:30
Type wagen: 280E
Bouwjaar: 1968
Automaat: Ja
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